Sharing experiences of the 2017 World Forum for Early Care and Education


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In May of this year Iván Galindo traveled to the city of Auckland, New Zealand to represent Mexico as the Global Leader in the World Forum for Early Care and Education. There, he shared some of his anecdotes about conflict management to illustrate how and adult can intervene to help children understand their reality, to find solutions to certain conflicts, and to have a win-win mindset that will allow them to obtain the best results.

The World Forum Foundation is a nonprofit organization with the goal of promoting a global exchange of ideas concerning the education, health, and help services provided to children of any social status through international meetings with professionals from all around the globe.


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This year 700 leaders of early care and education from 67 different countries participated in the meeting. They talked about the importance of bringing quality services to children all around the world by developing concrete work plans in different settings and contexts. Some of the topics that were discussed during the meeting include: Immigration, children’s rights, universal principles for the early care and education curriculum, cultural diversity, children with special needs, attention programs in refugee camps, and how to respond to emergency situations or disasters, among others.




Ivan talks about some of his experiences during this edition of the World Forum:


“I collaborated with Elsa Chahin, author of the book “In Loving Hands” and representative of Dr. Emmi Pikler in the US, and was really impressed by the work they do in orphanages, and by the comments of the children that lived there. Emmi Pikler was a doctor who did most of her formal education in Viena and then moved to Budapest, where she revolutionized the way of taking care of children during the early stages of development.

I worked with Elsa in a workgroup called: The rights of Young children living in Foster homes, in which the quality of care and treatment towards them makes a difference. They live in a setting in which the word love is translated into actions, daily actions and routines like looking at the child, listening to them, and becoming interested in their lives.

In these institutions actions say more than words. Children are considered and respected as unique beings through the understanding of their needs. The affectionate relationships transform into physical and emotional interactions in which the children’s rights are respected all throughout the different institutions around the world.

This process requires patience, disposition and attention so that the adult respects each child’s individuality and participates actively in their development at the appropriate time.”


Without a doubt these gatherings works as “meeting spots”, where anyone interested in the wellbeing of young children and their families can share ideas, strategies, and perspectives.

We share with you some of the conferences and moments that took place in this world forum, where you will probably get as excited as